Victoria Bird, LMT
Licensed Massage Therapist in NELA

About Me


 I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist in North East Louisiana since 2011. After graduating from massage therapy school, I began studying and practicing a variety of modalities within the massage therapy field. I would describe my style of bodywork as gentle, relaxing and therapeutic.

For more information on the modalities I offer, please click on the "Services & Rates" tab at the top of the page. If you’d like to set up an appointment with me, click on the "Contact Me" tab and send a message. You can also call or text me at 318-732-2621. I will contact you shortly to confirm the details of your appointment. I look forward to meeting you soon.  Have a relaxing day!

-Victoria Bird, LMT




**New Clients: Please arrive a few minutes early to your appointment to allow time to fill out intake forms. Thank you!**


**Clients: Please give at least 48 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. A non-refundable "no show" fee will be charged for any missed appointments.**


Follow me on Social Media @VictoriaBirdLMT


Lic. #LA6028